
Converter audio and video formats latest version Format Factory Download

بقلم ← Salem Shami Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hello, I am pleased in this topic can give you a program Format Factory and guest of this program is to change file formats such as format conversion audio or video file to work on mobile and thus can also be for this program change the formula's to and from many image formats Other, characterized The program also its ability to compress movies and Altkulail of its size and the possibility of repair damaged audio files, the program is available in more than 60 languages ​​including Arabic! And is 100% free. 

Program Features Format Factory:

1. The ability to convert to and from many audio and video formats.

2. Ability to compress video size and reduce its size.
3. The small size of the program.

4. Program provides more than 60 languages, including Arabic.

About the program Format Factory:


Program Name: Format Factory
Work program: convert formulas.

Software Compatibility: Windows XP, Windows Vezta, Windows 7, and Windows 8.
Program Web site: here. 

Download Format Factory:

(Click on the image below to download)
If the picture does not appear Click here to download.



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