Create a personal workout with Fitness Point Free App

بقلم ← Salem Shami Wednesday, August 21, 2013

:About the application

Create a personal workout or select one of the pre-defined workout plans to get you started right away! 

Optimized for iPhone 5 

You already used dozens of other fitness apps and they all were not logical, without important

functions and ugly? Then Fitness Point is the right app for you!

Fitness Point is a simple app, to follow your progress at the gym. No dazzling menus or views. Just 

everything, that you need!

Choose on of our ready-to-start workout plans or create your own!

:Information about the application

  .Name of application : Fitness Point

Size: 37.3 MB

.Seller: Ilya Mosesyan
Requirements:  Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

:Screenshots from application

:Download the applicatio

Create a personal workout with Fitness Point Pro app



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