Create a personal workout with Fitness Point Pro app

بقلم ← Salem Shami Wednesday, August 21, 2013


:About the application

Fitness Point is a simple app, to follow your progress at the gym. No dazzling menus or views. Just everything, that you need!

Choose on of our ready-to-start workout plans or create your own!



- 270 preinstalled exercises with description and animations
- Create new exercises with muscle group, description, primary and secondary muscle
- Exercises are grouped by muscle group
- Edit all exercise (also the preinstalled ones) details anytime
- Add logs to exercises with weight, repetitions, date and notes
- Add Exercises from the detail view to workouts.


- Create new Workouts
- Add exercises to the workouts
- Sort the exercises the way you like
- Enter your target sets and reps. for every exercise
- Add headers
- Add Logs to your exercises
- Quick navigation on entering logs with swipe gestures
- Timer


- Calendar view of all logs
- Month view with logs for every training
- Day view with logs for all exercises
- Edit logs from the calendar
- Visualization of log data for each exercise in form of a graph
- Log Export as CSV
- Weight tracker

:Information about the application

  .Name of application : Fitness Point Pro

Size: 35.4 MB

  $4.99 :Application price

.Seller: Ilya Mosesyan

.Requirements:  Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

:Screenshots from application

:Download the application

:The free version

Create a personal workout with Fitness Point Free App

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